Operating Room Jobs in Vermont

Operating room nurses are essential participants in surgeries and procedures. They perform a variety of tasks and are often categorized as circulators, scrubs, or first assists.

This is a compact state. Multi-state license accepted.

RN Job - Wkly Pay Location-Vermont
RN OR- $2600 Newport VT
RN OR- $3526 Burlington VT
RN OR- $3154 Burlington VT

The Green Mountain State offers beauty throughout the year, but is particularly gorgeous during fall when the maples turn red and gold. Regardless of the season, lush trees hide cute country inns and winding roads take you from one stunning small town to the next. Stop at quaint roadside stands for real maple syrup or maple candies and fresh apples, pears, grapes, blueberries, and plums.

* indicates fast starts; $$ indicates higher than average pay in this specialty.