States that Need the Most Travel Nurses

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Wondering where to focus your attention in mid-2024 if you're a travel nurse? Well you can safely look to the middle of the country, where states like Nebraska, Oklahoma and Tennessee are posting an abundance of  travel positions. But don't worry if you've got your heart set on the East or West Coast. Stalwart travel nurse employers in Washington, California, Massachusetts and New York are definitely still in the game. 

Here's our top 10 state locations in terms of posting volume, with the most openings in spot 1!

Position State
1 Nebraska
2 Tennessee
3 Oklahoma
4 Washington
5 Massachusetts
6 California
7 New York
8 Illinois
9 Ohio
10 Texas

You probably have an opinion about working in states like California or New York; it's a love-it or don't-love-it situation. And while the cost of living in these states is comparatively high, the travel pay IS good! In many middle-of-the-country states, such as Nebraska, the healthcare industry is growing while the never-ending nursing shortage has resulted in increased need for travelers. Cities like Omaha have lots of fans and the cost of living is relatively low compared to other locations -- which means your travel nurse pay is even more impactful.

This is the list as of September 2024, but stay tuned though, this list could -- and will -- change as the weeks go by!