Do Travel Nurses Have More Fun?

traveler fun

If you're a travel nurse who's spent any time on social media, may have encountered the funny, opinionated, occasionally controversial You Tuber, Instagrammer and event organizer, Nurse Blake. Nurse Blake is a real-life nurse, who has used his platform to advocate for nurses, while amusing his colleagues at the same time. He's a champion for safe-staffing ratios, self-care, and healthcare cost reform. Is there a more palatable way to get a message across than doing it with humor?

If you haven't virtually met him yet, you might find this video to be a good start. Nurse Blake claims to be able to recognize a nurse's specialty within a few minutes of meeting them - based on personality and vibe. (True?)

As far as who are the most fun nurses to work with, Blake says he really enjoys working with the most experienced RNs on the unit, the ones who truly speak their mind. They've got that "seen it all" dark sense of humor. In fact, Blake says that if he had his nursing career to do over again, he'd do travel nursing. And he says if you're bored with whatever you usually do after shift, try hanging out with a traveler. Their travel nurse jobs bring the money, he says, and they want to go out and do things when the shift is over.

We may be biased, but of course we agree. We do think travelers can have more fun! (True?)